Getting Back on Track

Monday, a new start to a new week, and a good time to review goals and look at what you want to accomplish this week.  It is November and I am off to a slow start for the month, but it is better to start late and slow than to not start at all.  So two challenges this month, Nanowrimo and the Art Everyday Day Month.


My thought for the day was that it is Easier to get where you are going if you focus on what is in front of you, not what is behind you. I am making a plan and getting started. What are you doing today to get you where you wish to be?


50,000 words is a good start.

nano_10_winner_120x390-8Over the last couple of days most of my energy, creative and otherwise went into finishing the challenge of writing 50,000 words in the month of November.

I am excited by this in that this time around I finished it when I was gainfully employed, and  maintaining my commitment to the art gallery.  The first time I won Nanowrimo I was unemployed.

The following year I was unable to do so. I let that discouragement allow me to put my writing on the back burner. I never quite gave it up, but it certainly took a backseat to all the other stuff.

This year I not only managed it, but I learned a lot.

One thing that has me kind of sad it that I will no longer have my little month graphic that will show a red day if I do not write, and I fear that it will show a red day for the last day, because I have already won.

I don’t know what happens if I up my word count above the confirmed win. It lets me add my count so I can keep going and avoid the dreaded red square.

Now I want to find someone who will code me a widget to enter daily word counts in it.

Endings and Beginings

The month of  November is drawing to a close, My Nanowrimo Month I am still going strong and have avoided having any red days. I just need to get through today and two more.

I am excited that I am almost caught up to the suggested work count. It is my hope to meet and exceed that for tomorrow.

Also,  the season of Advent starts tomorrow. For years now I have been having a hard time decorating for Christmas. Christmas was the season of the year  that my Mother loved decorating for.  When she passed away I found it hard to get into the mood for decorating. It was easier to just stick to the basics.  This year, I plan on returning to decorating, but taking my time with advent as a period of preparation. Today I had a great time creating an all new window for the art gallery.  It was the fun of Christmas decorating without the painful memories. I think it is time to just focus on the good memories.

The super secret project is going along, but I have run into some execution snags, partially due to devoting a lot of time to writing.

The Llama is still simmering on the back burner, along with a very cute panda.  I need to go add to my word count so that I may head off to bed.

Happy creating everyone.



Bits and Pieces

Wow, this month has been an exciting and inspirational.  I have been feeling a bit scattered, and I was going to sit down this morning and get it all together. I was looking at my list of things I want to get done, which is chock full of ideas and inspirations and things that I have seen that have sparked my wanting to create. I feel as if I am so full I shall burst.  Once again I am getting around to posting fairly late in the day.

pencil ralphFor those who asked, this is the image I used to make the face in my previous montage. I created this by applying filters to a snapshot I took with my phone Halloween before last.

I then used a brush eraser in gimp (a free photo shop like graphics program) to get rid of the hard edges.  Then I blended it by working with layers and transparency.

Today I also took some pictures at my daughter’s school. They had lots of pictures of the Performing Arts, but not a lot of Academics, so I had fun taking pictures of kids doing school work. Their classes seemed so much more interesting than I remember classes being.  I’d post some, but the school is the one with permission to photograph them,  so the photos can only be used by the school.

The biology class were doing interpretive dances of mitosis. It was great to watch, and really fun to photograph, as the class was sitting against the mirror in the dance studio, so I could photograph them, and the dancers reflected in the mirror.

I also got to listen to a book report on The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Quite fun and well done.

One class had created butterflies for The Butterfly Effect project. There were a lot of incredible butterflies, and watching the kids show them off was interesting.  All and all very cool.


Memories, ©2010

Lots of words yesterday. More words today, but I played around with what  I want for  a cover for the story I am writing.

I did not manage to create the cover, but I did like this image.
The needle felt is on hold while I get a little more caught up in my word count.  I am thrilled that I am stringing a series of green days together, I just need to make up for some of the yellows and oranges now.
My Nanowrimo Month