Getting Back on Track

Monday, a new start to a new week, and a good time to review goals and look at what you want to accomplish this week.  It is November and I am off to a slow start for the month, but it is better to start late and slow than to not start at all.  So two challenges this month, Nanowrimo and the Art Everyday Day Month.


My thought for the day was that it is Easier to get where you are going if you focus on what is in front of you, not what is behind you. I am making a plan and getting started. What are you doing today to get you where you wish to be?


Study of Northampton Train Station.

Originally posted

I’ve moved the study of the Northampton Train Station into the “is it done category”.  I pull up the tape and set it up where I can see it for a few days.

Sometimes I find that I need to go back and do some more work. Other times I start thinking about what mat or frame will set it off.

I have posted about my search for a software etc that I can use as a data base. I’ve tried a number of things including spread sheets, data bases, Evernote and a couple of other things.  Right now I am trying Trello, (Recommendation link: Disclosure, For every person I get to join Trello, They give me a free month of Trello Gold, up to 12 months, not that I really have a clue at this point what that really means.

So far I am really enjoying it as it is very visual and I find it easier to add information and pictures in a single place.  For example, my Trello card on the above painting has links to the Meet up event where I started this painting, and links to posts where I have shared it as a work in progress.  I can move or copy cards from private boards to public boards. I can add the information as I work on a project, as well as being able to add checklists, files, due dates.

I am using it as my project planning and database tool, but it also can be used to work with others. I can’t really speak to that as I have not used that functionality, but it seems like it would work very well.


I am very excited that it is finally Art Every Day Month!  I am looking forward to this challenge. It is the one that really brought me back into touch with my art. As a mother I had pretty much put it on a back shelf in favor of things I could do with my daughters.  Each November I take part and the process always inspires me.  I recommend that you give it a try.

That is it for today, as I can’t wait to see what others are doing.Image

Where have all the posts gone?

Wishes on the Wind was originally published  at

That is pretty much where I am posting these days. I drop by here occasionally to share a post.

There is something compelling about a simple dandelion, or as I have called it here, a Dandylion. Most people will agree that they are a weed, but they are featured in many pieces of art, literature, tv shows and movies. Close your eyes and imagine blowing the seeds free to fly on the breeze, make a wish and dream.

I usually struggle with titles, but today the blog title came easy.  Wishes on the Wind.  I was looking for an image to set the scene for my next chapter and came across this lonely dandelion.  It was perfect for the scene, but I decided that instead of using the picture, I would play with it a bit to draw attention to the structure of the flower, rather than the white puffy ball.  Each wish that is set free on the wind will lead to another cluster of wishes.

Catching up on AEDM

IMG_20111106_144735 I am happy to report that we have power again.

It has been an interesting week. I have been amazed at what all was accomplished in the space of a week.

Yesterday I finished felting this hat. It is supposed to have a nice pillbox shape with a scalloped edge. In reality it has much more of a bubble effect.

I know that it still needs to have a stiffener added, to help it hold its shape, I use have not gotten to that step.

Peeking out from underneath is my first attempt at a hat stand. What I can say about it is that it works. I will need to play around with the design to get it to work the way I want it to work.

I had a clever plan to start with a stack of my photos and sketch, and then watercolor sketch and then possibly paint my favorites over the weekend. Spending the week without power made me decide to bunt. I do want to get back to that, but this hat was midway through the felting process when the power went. I wanted to finish it before I went off to the New England Fiber Festival .

I had a great time, and even found a pattern that I thought I might try knitting lace. I talked myself out of it, because I decided that it should be knit in oranges and fall colors. I like them, but they are not the best choices on me. But I did decide that I should look for a similar pattern, with only a lace edge to get me started.

Amazing, and a Labyrinth too.

Labrynth 1This month has been amazing. I feel like I have accomplished so much while at the same time, I have been inspired to work on all kinds of new and fun projects.

Someone painted some wonderful Labyrniths, and I was inspired to try and learn how to create my own.  I followed the instructions for making a labyrinth found at The Labyrinth Society.

A local Eagal scout just put one in at my Church. It was wonderful to be able to go and walk it last Sunday.  I decided I wanted to try, so lacking the time and space and materials to make a big one, I decided to create a virtual one.

While I am sad to be finishing up the AEDM challenge, I am looking forward to this coming year and the challenges it will bring.

50,000 words is a good start.

nano_10_winner_120x390-8Over the last couple of days most of my energy, creative and otherwise went into finishing the challenge of writing 50,000 words in the month of November.

I am excited by this in that this time around I finished it when I was gainfully employed, and  maintaining my commitment to the art gallery.  The first time I won Nanowrimo I was unemployed.

The following year I was unable to do so. I let that discouragement allow me to put my writing on the back burner. I never quite gave it up, but it certainly took a backseat to all the other stuff.

This year I not only managed it, but I learned a lot.

One thing that has me kind of sad it that I will no longer have my little month graphic that will show a red day if I do not write, and I fear that it will show a red day for the last day, because I have already won.

I don’t know what happens if I up my word count above the confirmed win. It lets me add my count so I can keep going and avoid the dreaded red square.

Now I want to find someone who will code me a widget to enter daily word counts in it.

Endings and Beginings

The month of  November is drawing to a close, My Nanowrimo Month I am still going strong and have avoided having any red days. I just need to get through today and two more.

I am excited that I am almost caught up to the suggested work count. It is my hope to meet and exceed that for tomorrow.

Also,  the season of Advent starts tomorrow. For years now I have been having a hard time decorating for Christmas. Christmas was the season of the year  that my Mother loved decorating for.  When she passed away I found it hard to get into the mood for decorating. It was easier to just stick to the basics.  This year, I plan on returning to decorating, but taking my time with advent as a period of preparation. Today I had a great time creating an all new window for the art gallery.  It was the fun of Christmas decorating without the painful memories. I think it is time to just focus on the good memories.

The super secret project is going along, but I have run into some execution snags, partially due to devoting a lot of time to writing.

The Llama is still simmering on the back burner, along with a very cute panda.  I need to go add to my word count so that I may head off to bed.

Happy creating everyone.




I am thankful that I am in a place in my life where I am getting support from my family and friends for the choice to pursue art.

DSC03104To have that support means a lot to me.

I am Thankful that I live in a country where I am allowed to express my opinions.

I am Thankful that today I am getting to spend this time with my family and that my computer is smart enough to post this without me.

Happy Thanksgiving one and all. 

Thoughts on product images.

is_00863I have realized  one thing about myself. I do not think I would every be a very good production artist, I like making new things, but always making new things means always needing to make make new listings and take new photographs.  I have seen a lot of pictures that say, this is not the item you will receive, but one that is made exactly like it with the same materials or something similar. I can see this when it comes to something fairly standard like jewelry, I am having trouble with the idea of using it for felted pieces or sewn items.

I have been viewing a lot of Etsy shops and other places where people list hand made items.

Looking at product display is almost as interesting as looking at the work its self. What did they use as backgrounds? What a standard prop used?  What I mean by that is that is a necklace displayed on a jewelers stand,  a person’s neck or on something else. I found myself drawn to those displayed on a tree branch. a marble bust, and laid out on decorative paper.

I did not make these earrings.  I took the picture for the picture for the jeweler. What we each liked about the photo was something very different. I liked the play of the light and shadows, He liked the way it showed how the stone was set, and the detail of the casting.  His wife, who ultimately choose which photos to put in the ad  liked the one set in a gift box with the name of the jeweler showing on the lid.  Over the Christmas season they did end up using both product shots. I was glad to see that this one sold more diamonds. She noted however that the other one resulted in more people leaving with an item gift wrapped, and  most important, they may have come in because they saw diamonds, more often than not they left with something with a lower price point, but a higher profit point too.

What I wonder is do I like the necklaces that are displayed in an unusual manor because they are better artistically as a necklace, or it because I like the display?  Things to think about.