Sea Serpent for #MicroblogMondays

This little fellow is what the work in progress from Wednesday turned out to be. This particular clay was softer and stickier than usual so this little guy is a bit rougher around the edges than I had hoped for,  I learned a lot making him and hope to create more in the near future.

Orochi’s Knot

Knot for Orochi from Fire Emblem; Fates.
Knot for Orochi from Fire Emblem; Fates.

Figuring out the decorative elements on a cosplay can be a challenge, there are often buttons, or fastens or just pretty bits that are stuck on in odd locations.

Orochi’s knot that appears on the front of her top was one such detail. It is
possible to just cut the loops and glue or tack them to look mostly correct.  However, I approached this one from the idea that the artist likely drew it from a real knot, so I did a google search for a three loop frog knot, as it appears in the approximate location of a fasten.

Continue reading “Orochi’s Knot”

Moving away from Automatic.


Originally published:

For those who wonder why I am spend more time on G+ than Facebook

It is because of the content. No, not a lot of my friends are on G+, but what I  am finding is a lot of people who share interests and passions.  Right now I am participating in a four-week photography mentorship.  It is free of charge and run by a group of people whose photography work I really admire.  This is my weekly post about what I am learning.

Week One- Plus Post

I am participating in the Camera Basics, Beyond Automatic Mentorship by +G+ Mentorship Program for Photographers organized and run by the program directors, +Robin Griggs Wood +Ron Clifford and +Tamara Pruessner Each week I will be posting a Plus Post about what I …read more
Source: My Google+

Where have all the posts gone?

Wishes on the Wind was originally published  at

That is pretty much where I am posting these days. I drop by here occasionally to share a post.

There is something compelling about a simple dandelion, or as I have called it here, a Dandylion. Most people will agree that they are a weed, but they are featured in many pieces of art, literature, tv shows and movies. Close your eyes and imagine blowing the seeds free to fly on the breeze, make a wish and dream.

I usually struggle with titles, but today the blog title came easy.  Wishes on the Wind.  I was looking for an image to set the scene for my next chapter and came across this lonely dandelion.  It was perfect for the scene, but I decided that instead of using the picture, I would play with it a bit to draw attention to the structure of the flower, rather than the white puffy ball.  Each wish that is set free on the wind will lead to another cluster of wishes.

The Plane, The Plane!

Planes over Chicopee The planes are finally starting to arrive.  Carol and I are going to be painting our planes at The Gaslight Gallery.  Our planes should be landing sometime tonight or tomorrow morning.  If you have ever wondered how those large painted items were created, drop by in the next couple of weeks and see the process in action.

For more information on the planes,

Purple Mountains and trees


This is the latest work in progress on the painting with the working title of Purple Mountains. Previous images can be found:

I decided that the mountain were a little too bright and sharp for the distance, so I put in a hazy glaze in over the mountains and into the grass at the background. I blended it into the lower portion of the sky. In this painting, I wanted to create the appearance of a large field with the small pond. In order to help show the scale, I decided to add a grouping of trees. I was very pleased with how the trunks of the trees came out, I was looking at different ways of creating the appearance of texture. I usually try and paint more detail than would be noticeable from a distance so that I then end up smoothing it out and the trees seem flat.  Part of the process is learning to see not what you know is there, but what you actually see.


Playing in the mud again.

Since January I have been taking pottery classes. I really enjoy them very much, and there is something delightful about being able to play in the mud and make something out of it.

I have been making a series of bowls that I am very pleased with.  I have not been getting the results that I wanted with anything I have hand built, such as the handles for my mugs. I am thinking that I will be making a few handle free mugs. I need to make the time to get in and glaze my second set.

The pictures of the first set are on the other computer. I will have to add them later.

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