Ceramic Tile – take 2

Ceramic Tile Take 2I managed to get the colors a bit more vibrant on this one. My daughters both love it, but it is not what I had in my head, so I want to keep playing.

This morning I read Sandy’s Post on Time Well Spent. It got me thinking about balance in my life and business.  While I am enjoying playing with these coasters, a little voice in the back of my mind is saying “Product Developement”, while another is saying “COA research”, and yet another says “Wheee! I am playing.”  All these parts need to be kept in balance.  The research into Certificates of Authenticity(COA) is by far the least fun, and since I show paintings and prints of graphic images, not hand painted ceramic tiles,  it should be the more pressing so I can get the latest batch of prints up for sale.   I have only recently started selling limited runs, and I had a buyer ask for a COA. 

I discovered this is one of those areas that falls into a big grey zone, and I could research it for days and still not have the perfect answer, as there is not an equivalent to the ISBN for art prints.   I’d love to hear from other artists what they do for COAs.

15 thoughts on “Ceramic Tile – take 2

  1. Hi Rennata,
    Thanks for linking to my blog on your blog! I really like your flower tile. I have no idea about a COA, but I do know that doing work that is not in the artistic flow can feel like banging your head against a wall. I have been procrastinating writing a new resume all morning. It feels like a should, not a Yes, I love this and can’t wait to get started. The thing is, once we get started doing the hard thing, it is usually a lot less daunting that we thought. Good luck!

  2. Hi Rennata, I prepare and submit a letter of authentication for each of my paintings when I sell it. I forward the letter to the collector. It is linked to the provenance of each piece. Plus, it helps me build my collector database. Send me an email if you’d like me to send you a copy. I’ve worked on it over the years. I think this is an important piece of documentation!

    I still feel like I’m an “emerging artist”, but I’ve done this from the start. It’s an excellent question.

    Cool tiles/coasters! Very festive

  3. Generally speaking, I’m more likely to swing toward the dreary side of the equation (the have-tos) and force myself to do all the grown-up things first. This is my ego’s idea of balance. (Actually, the ego would like me to toss all that artsy stuff out the door, thank you very much.) So I tend to have to address the “make more art, make more time for play, have fun with it” side purposefully in order to bring the whole into something close to balance.

    I don’t know how it is with you, which side typically wins — but it does look like you allowed yourself to play when designing this coaster. Very light and joyful 🙂

    1. That is so true, it is the “have to” items that get first billing. I have learned to make time for Art, but that time includes the business side, the making side and the playing side. I used to try and cram the replenishing or refilling the well time in there, but I realize that is really more of a whole life issue.

    1. A big thank you to Linda, Peggy and M.E..
      I thank you all for looking and commenting. I have been getting so much more out of this than I ever hope, Thank you all for being a part of that.

  4. I had done some research on COAs and also found it to be a “gray area” especially for digital prints. I asked an artist who makes numbered series of digital prints if she trashes the digital file after she prints a run. She said, “no, I keep the original digital image as a record for myself and to re-use sections of it”.

    Hmm… God forbid she should die or her computer/external HD be stolen. Someone could get the files and print more copies. Meaning… it could devalue her art to the collectors who hoped for an investment. (I have no clue as to whether her artwork is of value to collect)

    Personally… (not including my art cards) each painting I sell (or donate to a cause) I type up an info sheet with all my contact info with medium, final varnish description, size, price sold at, date and a small thumbnail image of the painting. I make a copy of this and put it in a binder for myself.

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