What I learned from the Winter Light Auction


Last night was the Winter Lights Art Auction held at the Westfield Athenaeum.  

I had a wonderful time and was glad to donate my art to help with the lighting fund for Downtown Westfield.  It was a wonderful chance to meet a number of other artists, business owners and members of the community.  Going to social functions like this has never been my favorite thing, as I often feel awkward. 

Just in time, Alyson Stanfield, posted Mingling at holiday parties and/or art openings, which is full of good advice on how to get through such occasions.   I found myself involved in a number of conversations that helped me identify areas that  need a little more attention, some goals that I wish to work on and some inspiration for things to try in my own artwork.

Reading all the artist statements was quite an eye opener. I felt quite honored to be included in a show with a number of these artists.  My own artist statement needs some work, but nearly as much as I feared.

One of the biggest surprises, was in how many artists are interested in social media,  and online networking, but do not know where to start.  My having a blog started a number of conversations about this, and many people expressed  a frustration with trying to understand it all.  I may start including the “how to” for my online presence.  I may not be the best, but as one woman said last night, at least I can explain it from an artist’s perspective.  Lots of things to think about.

3 thoughts on “What I learned from the Winter Light Auction

  1. There are websites like wetcanvas.com and deviantart.com which have forums to show one’s artwork, ask for suggestions, comments or critiques, and share how to’s. These sites are a mixture of professional artists, students, beginners and hobby-ists.

    Online networking: through my blog I met someone who was an English major in college. I emailed her my Artist’s statement and she corrected my grammar. I emailed my statement to another woman who owns a gallery and is an artist herself. She made some helpful suggestions to the text as she has seen my art online. Neither of these people have I ever met in person!

    What I really enjoy and appreciate are the non-artists who visit and comment on my blog. They are a breath of fresh air, coming with open eyes and minds. My experience is that an image with a story – or an explanation of my painting technique helps stir up comments from visitors. I also find a bit of humor in my response, and a return visit to their blog, usually attracts them as followers and sometimes as a purchasing patron.

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