Super Secret Project

It is that time, the time for some super secret project work. I would say more about what I am working on, but that would spoil the super secret part of it.

That and of course I am still working on those words.  I have not given up hope of  “winning”, but I have achieved what I really wanted to do, which was to get back in the habit of writing each and everyday.  For some reason in November I have no problem finding time to write and create each day, yet the rest of the year I tend to choose either writing or creating.

I did waste a bit of time trying to remember where I saved and filed this picture. Going back through old photos is such a trip down memory lane.  I found so many things that I wanted to paint, collage,  use for blended images.  Just straight photography. There just are not enough hours in the day.   Back to that word count. I am proud to still evade the red, but if I want to win, I am going to have to put in some dark green.



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